变革者 & 位真理



在勒努瓦-莱恩,你的可能性是无限的. We offer more than 55 undergraduate degrees and 20 graduate programs to meet your specific interests and ambition. 和 our inclusive campus opens the door to a world of different cultures, perspectives and ideas.

在LR, you’ll experience the benefits of a private liberal arts university—small classes, 与教授的密切关系关注你的成功, 实习机会和职业准备.


The 熊绑定 program provides students from 14 local and regional community colleges with a seamless and affordable pathway to a four-year degree. The program enhances student pathways and removes the obstacles transfer students often face when seeking a bachelor’s degree.

和, 以优异成绩和需求为基础的经济援助相结合, 勒努瓦-莱恩教育现在比以往任何时候都更容易负担.

在你就读社区大学的同时,成为勒努瓦-雷恩的一部分. 联合录取的学生将获得LR学生证, allowing you to engage with our student body and campus experience before transferring.

View 熊绑定


实现你的教育和职业目标. Transfer to LR where your ambition and dedication will prepare you for real-world experiences. 全球网赌十大网站的 enrollment counselors are here to help you explore your options from the moment you step on campus.

完成全球网赌十大网站的 索取资料 表格,开始您的个性化转让咨询. Next, schedule a visit to take a campus tour and meet one-on-one with a professor. You’ll soon discover how life-changing your LR experience will be in helping you realize your career goals.

Once you are admitted to Lenoir-Rhyne you will receive a transfer credit evaluation that shows the LR course equivalences for your previous coursework. 如果你想开始申请流程,你现在就可以申请.  


我之所以决定转到劳氏,是因为那里有很棒的护理课程. My advice to anyone looking to come to LR is to get to know your professors – they genuinely care about you and your education.



Lenoir-Rhyne will accept up to 64 credit hours from an accredited North Carolina community college. You must have a final grade of an A, B or C in completed courses for credits to be transferrable. 学生 who transfer with a completed Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree will receive full credit for LR's general education curriculum, 允许您直接进入您所选专业的课程.

Lenoir-Rhyne has transfer articulation agreements with many community colleges and will work with you on transferring credits for the courses you've taken at another institution. 

View our automated course transfer evaluation tool to see if courses you've taken at another college will transfer to LR. 如果课程或学校没有列出,请联系 注册处 有问题或请求帮助.



  • 实习 & 职业准备
    LR prepares students for careers and graduate school through individual assessments, 职业咨询和实习协助. 全球网赌十大网站的 职业发展中心 提供大量的服务和支持, 包括rsamsum大楼, 面试技巧, 求职策略和网络协助.
  • 学生的研究 & 奖学金
    本科 研究和奖学金 是学生在劳氏学习经历的重要组成部分. Opportunities for students to create and to present independent work are plentiful and are key components in practically every academic program.
  • 出国留学
    LR赞助商 出国留学 在多达70个国家的200所不同的大学开设课程. 学生们已经在国外学习了一年, 在哥斯达黎加等地的学期或夏季, 德国, 冰岛, 爱尔兰, 意大利, U.K. 和中国.
  • 速成硕士学位
    同时完成硕士和学士学位. 的Lenoir-Rhyne 速成硕士学位 program provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s degree starting in the senior year, 节省时间和金钱.


  • Lenoir-Rhyne承诺


    的Lenoir-Rhyne承诺 (LR Promise) is a Lenoir-Rhyne University program focused on making a college degree more affordable, 同时认可优秀学生的努力学习.

    * LR承诺奖励所有转学本科学生3分.5 GPA and more than 30 earned credit hours from an accredited college or university with a financial aid package worth at least 50 percent off the cost of tuition. 



  • 专业 & 学术项目

    LR strives to offer exceptional academic programs to meet the evolving needs of our students. We offer 55 undergraduate majors and 20 graduate programs available for students. Classes are taught by highly qualified and experienced faculty who are passionate about teaching. 班级规模小, 学生与教师的比例是13:1, 允许个性化的关注. 具有挑战性的学术课程由实习支持, 导师的机会, 本科研究, work study and 出国留学 programs designed to enhance the learning experience.

    访问专业 & 学术项目
  • 增加学习机会

    在LR, we strive to challenge you with programs and opportunities that extend well beyond the classroom. These programs are designed to help you grow as an individual through volunteerism, 服务学习, 领导力发展, 还有旅行. Make the most of your college experience at LR by taking advantage of opportunities that will propel you toward the career and future you want to achieve. 了解更多关于增强学习机会的信息.

    了解研究 & 奖学金的机会
  • 建议 & 学术支持

    全球网赌十大网站的咨询和学术支持服务 assist you in successfully navigating your academic journey from orientation through graduation.


    • 探索学术兴趣,选择专业
    • 制定计划以达到教育、个人和职业目标
    • 参与更有成效的学习和学习行为
    • Get tutoring assistance in courses or receive help planning, writing and reviewing papers
    • 更有效地管理时间
    • 达到获得勒努瓦-雷恩大学学位的目标
    观点建议 & 学术支持
  • 尽早开始你的研究生学习

    Lenoir-Rhyne大学 速成硕士学位 program is designed to assist current LR undergraduate students toward completion of a graduate degree. Qualified LR undergraduates may begin graduate courses while still completing an undergraduate degree.

    Current LR students may enroll in up to 12 credit hours of graduate-level coursework provided they meet the academic criteria for admission and are accepted into the program. These graduate courses may be used to meet both an undergraduate and graduate degree.


作为一名转校生, the counselors and professors have worked with me to decide what I wanted to major in and draw out a detailed map to help me reach that goal of getting a bachelor’s degree.


全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


梅勒妮莫拉 '25 has been planning to 出国留学 in South Korea for more than a year. 现在是美国.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金.


塔比瑟·托尼,1999年,博士.D., will lead the program with an eye toward excellence and a heart for patient care.
